I already published a script for cleaning up Azure resources, but found that with the introduction of the new AZ commands and later versions of the PShell CMDLets it was getting out of date fast. So I worked on a new module (.psm1) to replace it and give me more freedom to use the unused […]
When using Azure as your development platform, or to play with.. you eventually find yourself deleting resources 1 by 1 or entire resource groups.. cause when you delete a VM in ARM (the new portal), it deletes only the VM, but leaves the VHD, the NIC, the public IP, and NGS’s… so what if you could run a script that looks at the unused resources and deletes them for you?
well, look no further.. (but develop with me, based on) the initial script I wrote.. AzureCleanUp.ps1
<Last update April 2017>